Hello everyone!
We had so much fun today with our special guests from Teacher's Pet. Our guest, Mr. T, came to us with a problem - he woke up this morning to find zoo animals in his backyard! He needed our help to build some spaces for the animals to safely live. Each of us got to choose a zoo animal. We built a small model of our zoo animal. Then, we talked about what the animals might need in their enclosure (shelter, food and water dishes, a place to sleep, a fence, a gate, trees, and toys to play with. We each got a small box to start with and a checklist of all our elements. We talked about what a budget is and how we would be paying for materials with our imaginary dollars. We each got $20 to spend on materials. Our parent and grade 6 volunteers helped us work within our budget and ran our material stores! We drew a plan for our enclosures and then got to work buying materials and building each element for our zoo animal. Here are some photos of our building projects:

A huge THANK YOU to our parent volunteers - Danielle, Karin, Amanda, and our grade 6 volunteers - Franzen, Hannah, Matty, Tawkee, and Amy, for all their help during today's activities. We couldn't have done it without your help, and it was so wonderful to be able to have you visit our classroom for the morning. We get to bring our enclosures home today, so we can continue to build things for our animals, use them for some imaginary play, or display them!
After lunch we had mindfulness time and then got into some problem solving in math! We did some practice with addition and subtraction on a number line to remind everyone how to use that strategy. Then, we completed our very first 3-Act math problem. In Act 1 - we watched a video that showed a problem - a little girl went to get some eggs from the fridge, but the carton fell out! The video asked us, how many eggs were broken? We talked about what we would need to know in order to solve that problem (ex: if the carton was full). We each made a silly guess (ex: 100 broken eggs), and then a serious guess (ex: 6 broken eggs). Then, we moved on to Act 2, where we got to see how many eggs were in the carton to start with (9). And, how many eggs were left unbroken after they fell (5). We worked together in our table groups to try and use that information to solve the problem. It was tricky for our first time, but some of our friends were able to figure it out by thinking, "I know that 5+4 equals 9, so if 5 eggs are left, 4 must be broken!" We came back together to draw a picture of the problem to help everyone understand how we could find the answer. We are going to keep working on problem solving for the next couple of weeks!
We had recess and something exciting happened. While we were playing on the field, the sprinklers came on!!! It was quite a surprise for everyone. Some of us accidentally got a little wet when we ran back to Ms. Byrne and Mrs. Young. Oops! At least it was a nice day!
When we came back inside, we did 2 rounds of literacy centres. We got ready for home time and then went to the field to meet Mrs. Sterne for our gym time. The sprinklers were still on, but we were able to play on one of the fields. We came back to class to pick up our zoo enclosures and head out for home!
- Friday, June 3rd - Sport's Day - please dress for the weather, wear comfy shoes, sunscreen, etc.
Have a great day!
-Ms. Byrne