Hello everyone!
We had a new friend added to our class yesterday! We were very kind and helpful to her as she started learning about our classroom and school.
We started our morning by switching our library books and doing some quiet reading at our desks. Then, we had our class meeting. We filled in our calendar and practiced our counting songs. Yesterday, we talked about our class goals and wrote that our math goal is: I can count to 100 by 1s, 5s, and 10s. Once we feel confident with that goal, we will check it off and create a new one! Our goals help remind us why we are doing each activity at school.
Mr. Wiens came to teach music and then we started working on the letter V. We had been practicing the letter v sound during our Gumball Game, so we knew the sound already! We listened to our letter v songs and brainstormed a list of words that start with v. We took a break to eat snack and have recess, and then filled in our letter v page in our printing books.
Next, we read a story about what makes us unique. We talked about what the word unique means and how everybody in our class has things that make them unique. Those things make us special and interesting and are an important thing to celebrate! We learned that people can be unique in ways that we can see: hair colour, eye colour, skin colour, size, shape. And in ways that we can't see: the languages they speak, their interests and hobbies, if they like having more alone time or more time with friends, etc. We are going to be doing some journal entries about ways that we are special and unique. Talk with us at home about things that make us unique!
After lunch we had mindfulness time and then practiced our letter sounds again. We noticed that with the sounds we know so far we can already make some words! We wrote the words bat, pat, and fat using the sounds we have been practicing!
Next it was time for math. Today, we looked at some addition sentences and talked about what the symbols mean. We discussed that the + symbol stands for plus, or addition, and that it means to put things together. We learned that the = symbol, or "equals" means the same. So when we say 1+1=2 what we're really saying is that if we have 1 red marker and 1 black marker, it's the same as saying we have 2 markers. We practiced some +1 number sentences using blocks to help us find the solutions.
In science we have been learning all about Fall. We used our 5 senses to explore how we know that Fall is here. Yesterday, we went on a leaf hunt and each brought 1 leaf into our classroom. We compared the different leaves we found. We learned that the colours we see in Fall are the actual colours of those leaves! The green colour we see in Spring and Summer is caused by the food that the tree makes for itself. When the weather gets colder and the days get shorter, the tree makes less food and the leaves go back to their actual colour! Today, we also talked about what happens to trees that don't have leaves, and then moved on to learning about what animals are doing in the Fall. We looked at pictures of different animals and guessed what they needed to do during Fall to get ready for the cold Winter! We will continue learning about this topic throughout the week to get ready for an art project where we will create a picture that represents Fall.
Friday, Oct. 8 - No School - PD Day
Monday, Oct. 11 - No School - Thanksgiving
Have a great day!
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