Thursday, September 9, 2021

Sept. 9

 Hello everyone!

We have been continuing to learn about the medicine wheel each day during our morning meeting. For the last 2 days we focused on the "mind" section of the wheel and talked about how it was connected to our Pillars of Care through Care for Learning. We brainstormed ideas of ways we can show care for learning/take care of our minds. This morning, we each chose one of the ideas we came up with and wrote it as a goal for ourselves onto a quarter of a circle. We cut out this shape, glued it to a larger red shape, and then cut that out as well to create a red boarder to match the red section of the medicine wheel. We will continue to do this with each part of the wheel to set a goal in each area for ourselves. 

We filled in our calendar and completed a pattern activity where we had to decide if the picture Ms. Byrne showed us was a pattern or not a pattern. We took turns explaining how we knew it was or was not. This time is called a "math talk" and we use it to practice new math ideas and vocabulary each day. 

We got our very own mini-whiteboards today! We learned how to take care of them, as well as our own whiteboard markers and erasers. We practiced some of our pre-printing shapes on the whiteboards. The whiteboards have lines that match our printing books - so we practiced where to start our shapes and where to end them. It can be hard to fit some shapes inside the lines! Before we knew it, it was time to clean up for lunch!

After lunch we practiced the number 1. We talked about different ways to show 1 and listened to a song that had lots of ideas (ex: 10-frames, dice, dominos, a picture, our fingers, a numeral, a tally mark, etc.). We got our printing books out and practiced making both the numeral and the word "one". Then, we each got a 10-frame to glue into our book and used it to show 1. We got to pick one other way to show 1 before we put our books away. 

We read a story together today called "Sink or Swim" about a cow who wants to learn to swim. He asks different animals to teach him - a duck, a turtle, a frog - but his body is different than theirs and he can't learn to swim in the same way they do. Eventually the cow goes to a swim shop and the owner helps him get everything he needs (flippers, goggles, and a surf board to float on). Soon the cow is able to float on his surf board and use his flippers to swim across the pond. We talked about how, just like the animals in the story, we all learn to do things differently. That means that some times our friends may need a special tool (like a pencil grip or a fidget tool), or extra help from a grown up, to help them practice a new skill. In our classroom, those things are learning tools that a teacher or teacher helper might give to us to help us do our best learning, and not toys to play with. So, we shouldn't feel jealous if we see someone in our class using a special tool to help them. Everybody needs different things to help them! 

This story led us to talk about what kinds of expectations we think our classroom should have this year. We had lots of ideas! We made a poster with reminders that we can re-read together to make sure we are all doing our very best at school. 

We got to have our first P.E. class with Miss Sterne today! Our P.E. time ended right when it was time to go home, so we had to get ourselves ready quickly at the end of the day. 

Throughout this week we have been working to complete our self-portraits. We added 3 pictures about us (favourite things, family, etc.) to complete our projects. Here are some pictures of our finished portraits:


- Please return digital citizenship and demographics forms as soon as possible! I will send extra copies of digital citizenship forms on Monday with those students who haven't returned them yet (forms have been known to go missing on way home!)

Have a great day!
-Ms. Byrne

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