Hello everyone!
We started our day with a morning meeting to talk about Remembrance Day. Some of us already knew why this day is so important, so we shared with the whole class to make sure everyone understood. We learned that we will be having a virtual Remembrance Day assembly on Wednesday morning and we have a special job to do for it - making a wreath! We will be working on our wreath tomorrow.
We filled in our calendar and talked a little about how the time went back over the weekend. We all noticed this morning that it was light outside when Ms. Byrne came out to get us, but last week it was dark! We also added a new page to our calendar - The Number of the Day. This page helps us learn about what bigger numbers actually mean (place value) and how we can use a 100s chart to find out which numbers are more and less. Today our number was 12. The page looks like this:
Next, we looked at another I Spy picture and used it to help us write a journal entry. We picked 1 word from the picture to sound out together, then we each worked with a partner to sound out a second word. We each wrote a journal entry with the words we worked on. Once we are all comfortable with writing a sentence this way, we will try new sentence starters!
After snack and recess, we worked on the letter S. S can be a tricky letter to make properly, so we took the time to talk about how to draw it correctly. We listened to some songs with letter S words and made our poster about S. We each completed the S page in our printing books.
Next it was lunch time, and then our 10-minutes of daily mindfulness. After mindfulness each day we review our whole set of letter sounds. Today we also got out our whiteboards and wrote these new letters on them for the first time. After some practice, Ms. Byrne told us we were going to spell the word "zip". Lots of us knew how to spell it right away! Then, she asked us to change "zip" into "sip". Then into "rip" and "hip". We came up with a few other rhyming words (dip, snip, lip) that we spelled by changing only the first sound. We're turning into such great readers and writers! Some of us are really ready to begin practicing reading. If you would like to help us at home, here is a list of "sight words" (words that fluent readers know automatically without having to sound them out).

We can practice these words at home together - just 2 or 3 at a time. Knowing these words, finding them in our favourite books, practicing reading or writing them, will be a huge help when we are reading books by ourselves!
Next, we worked on ordering numbers in Math. We talked about how to tell which is the larger number when the numbers have 2-digits. We practiced ordering some numbers on the Smartboard by arranging a list of 3 numbers from lowest to highest. Once we had practiced together, Ms. Byrne put 3 numbers on the whiteboard and asked us to give it a try on our own. It was pretty tricky at first! Tomorrow, we are going to use blocks to represent these numbers to help us see which ones are bigger more clearly.
We went outside for our second recess and then came back inside to work on Science. We got into pairs and sat together while Ms. Byrne finished reading our sense of taste book. Today we read about sweet tastes and how some foods are naturally sweet (like watermelon) while other foods have sugar added to make them sweet (like candy). We also learned about the flavour umami. Umami is a flavour found in meats like pepperoni or beef, and also in soy sauce. We discussed our favourite foods in these categories with our partner. Next, we read about how everyone's brain senses tastes differently, so everyone has different opinions about what tastes good and what doesn't. We talked our partners to see if we could find a food that one of us likes and the other does not (ex: sushi, fish, plain pizza vs. pizza with toppings). Finally, we talked about how our sense of taste can keep us safe from eating dangerous things. We saw a picture of a poison symbol. We talked about how we might find this sign on chemicals, cleaning products, and other things that might look like food or drink, but would hurt us if we did eat or drink them. Many of us weren't sure if we had ever seen these symbols before. If we have some time this evening, could you help us look for 1 thing in our house that might have a warning sign on it like this? (cleaning products, bleach, etc.)

Finally, we went for P.E. with Ms. Sterne. We practiced playing a throwing game together.
Wednesday, Nov. 10 - Picture Retakes - If your child was away on our picture day, or you were not satisfied with the photos you received, please let me know by commenting below or sending me an email: nibyrne@cbe.ab.ca. I will make a list of the students that need retakes so that no one gets left out!
Thursday, Nov. 11 - No School - Remembrance Day
Friday, Nov. 12 - No School - PD Day
Thursday, Nov. 18 - Booking opens for Parent-Teacher Conferences. These will be held online through Microsoft Teams. You should have received an email today through SchoolMessenger with more information on how to book an appointment. Conferences will take place on Nov. 25 (evening) and Nov. 26 (morning).
Have a great evening!
-Ms. Byrne