Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Nov. 3

 Hello everyone!

We started our day with some quiet reading time. Then, we reviewed our Cree and Blackfoot words for Fall. We reminded everyone what these words mean and why they were used to refer to this time of year. We filled in our calendar and practiced counting to 100 by 1s and 10s. Each day, we have been adding a star to a set of 10-frames to count how many days we have been in school. Today was our 40th day of grade 1! We can't believe how quickly the time is passing.

Mr. Wiens came to our class and taught us a song called "Highway of Heroes" by The Trews. We practiced singing the chorus of the song together because everyone is going to sing it during our Remembrance Day assembly next week. We really liked the song! We can listen to it together at home to practice the words:

Next, we helped Ms. Byrne write a journal entry that was her very best work! She wrote 3 sentences with neat printing, sounded out a word on her own, added a colour word to a sentence, and drew pictures to match. We used a checklist to make sure the journal entry was perfect. Tomorrow, we are going to use this checklist to review our own journal entries and see where we can make improvements!

After lunch we had our mindfulness time and then worked on finishing our smell test experiment. We wrote guesses about what the mystery items were, and then Ms. Byrne revealed the real answer! Some of the mystery items were yummy smells (ex: cinnamon, vanilla, orange), other smells we were a little unsure of (ex: vinegar, garlic). We had lots of fun trying to guess the mystery smells. It was interesting to notice how difficult it was to guess the mystery when we could only use 1 of our senses! When we were finished, we each picked a favourite and least favourite smell to write on our paper. 

We practiced our letter sounds using our gumball game and then we got back to our greater than and less than work in math. We each completed 9 greater than, less than, or equal to questions in our math book, and then we got to choose to do 3 "spicy" (challenging) questions that Ms. Byrne wrote on the board, or to make up our own 3 questions. 

In P.E. we are working on throwing and catching skills right now. Today, we worked with a partner to play catch using a bean bag. Each time we caught the bean bag, we took a step backwards to make the game more challenging. 


Wednesday, Nov. 10 - Picture Retakes - If your child was away on our picture day, or you were not satisfied with the photos you received, please let me know by commenting below or sending me an email: I will make a list of the students that need retakes so that no one gets left out!

Thursday, Nov. 11 - No School - Remembrance Day

Friday, Nov. 12 - No School - PD Day

Thursday, Nov. 18 - Booking opens for Parent-Teacher Conferences. These will be held online through Microsoft Teams. You should have received an email today through SchoolMessenger with more information on how to book an appointment. Conferences will take place on Nov. 25 (evening) and Nov. 26 (morning). 

Have a great day!
-Ms. Byrne

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