Friday, November 19, 2021

Nov. 19

Hello everyone,

Today was Shape Monster day in grade 1! We took a break from our investigation of 2-digit numbers to revisit 2D shapes. Yesterday, we each made a book called Shape Monster and practiced the story together. We coloured the pictures to match the words and then tried reading the story on our own. Today, we tried reading the story with a partner. Later in the day, we each chose a shape to start our monster with. We cut out the shape and glued it onto a large paper. Next, we chose shapes of different sizes to create the body and features for our monsters. Next week, we will be using our monsters to do some exploration of those 2D shapes, counting the shapes we used, charting the shapes we used, etc. Here are some pictures of our finished Shape Monsters:

We filled in our calendar and took some time to talk about zero. We talked about what zero means, and how to add and subtract with zero. We practiced a few addition and subtraction questions with zero to make sure everyone understood. We learned that we can do questions with big numbers using zero since the number stayed the same! We did some questions with big numbers just for fun. 

We worked on the letter R today. We completed our letter R page in our printing books, drew pictures of words that start with R, and tried to write sentences using R words. 

We went to the gym and played our horse and carriage game together again. 

We had just enough time to read 2 chapters from our My Weird School book before getting ready for home!


Booking is now open for Parent-Teacher Conferences. These will be held online through Microsoft Teams. You should have received an email through SchoolMessenger with more information on how to book an appointment. Conferences will take place on Nov. 25 (evening) and Nov. 26 (morning). If you have any issues booking an appointment, please call the office or send me an email so that we can get it sorted out! 

Have a great weekend!

-Ms. Byrne

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