Monday, December 13, 2021

Dec. 13

 Hello everyone!

We started our day by changing the books in our book boxes. We had a morning meeting where we shared from our weekend and then talked about our word review from Friday. We discussed that the 2 trickiest words were "and" and "the" so we decided to add them to our bonus words list for this week. Our new words are:

1. in

2. go

3. to (this is our red word this week because the o is making an /oo/ sound, even though there's only 1 o!)

4. my

5. like

Bonus words:

1. and

2. the

3. fin

4. tin

5. win

We wrote our words to bring home the list to practice. Thank you for helping us practice last week! We have already gained a lot of confidence in our reading because we can find words we recognize in every book we open!

We filled in our calendar and started working on letter c before Mr. Wiens came for music. He practiced some holiday songs with us to prepare for the assemblies later in the week. He also shared part of our virtual holiday concert video which will be added to his blog on Thursday for us to watch at home!

After music we had snack and recess. We finished up our letter c work just in time to completed our first literacy center before lunch. We saved our second center for after lunch!

We completed our "Making 10" rainbow work that we had started on Friday with our guest teacher. We will be practicing our making 10 number pairs all week in math, as well as completing the final 2 math assessments that we discussed last week. 

We had our second recess, then we took some time to read a book all about community maps. We learned what maps are, what they show, who uses them, etc. We also learned a few new terms: birds-eye view, scale, and legend. Ms. Byrne showed us a big poster of a map. It is nearly empty, it just has some streets! We will each be getting a map tomorrow that we can fill in with the important community places we have been learning about. We will add lots of the things we saw during our virtual community walk of Beddington Heights. We have created a checklist to help us make our community map our best work! We will be sharing pictures of our community maps later in the week. 

Before heading to the gym, we took some time to start up a new routine in our class - Student Shoutouts. We asked Izzy and Serena to help us with our shoutouts today. They each picked a student who was kind or helpful towards them today so that we could add a shoutout on our blog!

Student Shoutouts!

Ava - when another student fell on their way out for recess, Ava stopped everything to help them get up and make it to the playground. How thoughtful!

Jayla - when Jayla was done her making 10 work today, she noticed that another student needed some help. She used her free-time to help that student complete their making 10 equations. Awesome job Jayla!


Theme days - 

Wednesday, Dec. 15 - Pajama Day

Thursday, Dec. 16 - Plaid Day

Friday, Dec. 17 - Ugly Sweater/Winter Wear Day

Friday, Dec. 17 is also the last day of school before the holidays!

It looks like it's going to be a cold week - keep your eye on the temperature as we may have some Blue Dot days coming up! That means students can come directly into the school when they arrive, rather than lining up on the compound. Doors will open at 7:50 in this instance. Whenever possible there will be notice from the office, or available adults on the compound to direct kids to the doors during drop off. 

Have a great evening!

-Ms. Byrne

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