Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Dec. 15


Hello everyone,

It was another cold day today! So, we got to come inside a little early and we watched a short Letter Blocks video about letter e while we waited for school to start. 

During our morning meeting, we learned about the Winter Solstice, which is next week. We learned that it is the shortest day and longest night of the year. Every day after today gets longer until it turns to Spring! Indigenous people recognize this time as a period of rest for plants and animals. They often celebrate this day with ceremony's or personal traditions as it marks the eventual return of longer days, warmer weather, and is a time to reflect on the sun's importance in our lives. 

We filled in our calendar and took some time to practice our number pairs of 10. We practiced them with a song and by modelling pairs of 10 using our fingers. 

Next, we practiced our Wow Words using Wikki Stix - they're colourful sticks that you can build, bend, and use again and again! We had lots of fun creating each letter out of our sticks. Here are some photos of our colourful letters:


We had planned to use our words in our journal, but we needed some extra practice of our carolling song for the afternoon assembly so we decided to use this time to practice our song several times to get it just right! Then we had snack and indoor recess. 

We had two rounds of literacy centers before lunch. 

After lunch we had mindfulness and practiced our letter sounds. We practiced making some more CVC words on our whiteboards today using e as the vowel (ex: bed, red, ten, jet, wet). 

Yesterday, we started creating our community maps. We went through our community checklist of important places, then we wrote our community name - Beddington Heights. We started by adding what we thought were the most important things - a grocery store, a school, a houses, etc. Today, we added labels to what we had already drawn, and added extra community places that we think make our community a great place to live!

We did indoor recess and P.E. in our classroom because the carolling assembly was scheduled during our usual P.E. time. We performed Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer during the carolling assembly! It has lots of words, but we did a great job!

Student Shoutouts!

Jawad - rushed to help when someone dropped part of their snack!

Finn - has been so responsible with his sweeping job this week, grabbing the broom and working to sweep the whole class before Ms. Byrne even has to ask!

Ramsh - helped Nathan when he lost his dinosaur eraser!


- Our Virtual Concert link (will be watchable starting at Thursday at 5PM):

- Tomorrow (Thursday) is Plaid Day! Wear your favourite plaid shirt, pants, scarf, socks, etc. 

- Friday is a holiday theme day - dress in your favourite holiday sweater, colours, etc. for our Pillars of Care assembly!

- Friday, Dec. 17 is the last day of school before the Winter Holiday. School will resume on Tuesday, Jan. 4.

Have a great evening!

-Ms. Byrne

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