Monday, January 10, 2022

Jan 10

 Hello everyone!

We are happy to be back in our classroom and getting to see each other after a long break. We took some time to share our favourite part of the break with our class. Then, we each got a book called Malaika's Costume. This book is a gift from The Canadian Children's Book Centre. We wrote our name inside the book and then we followed along while Ms. Byrne read the story. We loved the colourful pictures and discussing where Malaika lives (the Caribbean). We wondered if Malaika gets to join her mom in Canada eventually. Then, we saw a picture at the back of a second book where Malaika is wearing winter clothes. We think she must have come to Canada, because even in the winter there is no snow in the Caribbean!

Next, filled in our calendar and talked about how not only the month, but the year has changed as well! We practiced counting by 5s. 

Then, we worked on another Star Student page for our book. Our Star Student today was Stefan! It was a little hard to get back into writing sentences after our break, but we pushed through!

We completed a round of literacy centres after snack and recess. Then it was lunch time!

After lunch, we practiced our letter sounds, and then we talked about our Wow Words. We decided to keep our Wow Words the same this week (in, go, to, my, like) because many of us were away the week before the holiday and missed out on that practice. We made a word ring with those 5 words on it. We wrote the words on pieces of card stock, then put them onto a binder ring. We practiced finding words on our word ring by spinning a wheel that had our words on it, and finding the matching word on our word ring. We would hold up the matching word, and read it together as a class. 

In math we are talking about sorting this week. We looked at a set of shapes on our SmartBoard and tried to find different ways to sort them into groups. We sorted the same shapes by colour, shape, and size. We each got a set of shapes to cut and Ms. Byrne asked us to sort these shapes by their number of sides. We had to sort them into groups with 0 sides, 3 sides, and 4 sides. We cut and glued the shapes together into their matching groups. 

This week in social studies we are comparing our school community to our neighbourhood community. We discussed how in both places people have roles or jobs, how we take care of both communities by keeping things clean and tidy, being kind to others, taking care of each other, etc. We each have a place and a role in our school community. To show this, we are creating a big poster in our classroom of a puzzle. Each piece of the puzzle has one of our names and we will get to decorate them tomorrow with pictures and colours that we like to have the piece represent us. We will leave 1 section of each of our puzzle pieces blank and use it to write kind things about that person. Once the pieces are complete, we will put them together to create the completed puzzle of our classroom!


Please make sure students are coming to school with an appropriate mask. The better they fit, the safer we all are in our classroom! As soon as our mask supplies from the government arrive, we will let you know. 

Home Reading - a form about home reading was put into our backpacks today. Please give it a read-through. Sign and return the form if you would like your child to participate in our home reading program. We will be starting the program on Monday, so please have the form returned by Friday, Jan. 14 if you wish to participate!

Have a great evening!

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