Friday, January 14, 2022

Jan. 14

 Hello everyone!

We got to start our day by sharing our "Just Right" book bags with a partner. We took turns reading pages from our books with partners. We're starting to feel more confident with reading each day!

We filled in our calendar and worked on some problem solving strategies! We're learning how to highlight important information in problems. We introduced this topic yesterday and worked on a problem together. Today, we completed another problem as a class, and then we got together with a partner and solved a problem on our whiteboards! We used our fingers, mental math, and counters as different strategies to solve the problem. 

Next, we chose literacy centres and got to work. We love getting to choose our centres on Fridays! We're almost ready to switch our literacy centres to make them more challenging as we've learned so much in these last few months!

We had snack and then got to work on our snowflake project. Yesterday, we coloured onto coffee filters with markers. We chose certain colours called "cool" colours from our marker packages. Cool colours remind us of winter and cold feelings. We chose blues, purples, and pinks. When we finished colouring our filter, we got to spray it with water. We let them dry over night and they turned our beautifully! We loved looking at everyone's snowflake paper. We folded the papers one step at a time and then practiced some tricks to help us cut shapes into our snowflakes. We each designed our snowflake and were amazed when we opened them up - they looked incredible! These snowflakes were our practice copies, so we will be taking them home today. Look for our beautiful work in our backpacks!

Unfortunately, there was a mix-up in the P.E. schedule and another class was in the gym during our scheduled time. It's okay, mistakes happen, and we got to do some movement in our classroom instead!

Home Reading Folders will be coming home Monday for everyone who returned their form - look for them in backpacks! Home reading books can be reread several times and returned when you're finished to switch for a new book. 

Student Shout-Outs!

Nathan, Ava, and Nola - for cleaning our whole classroom after our snowflake activity. There were lots of tiny paper cutting around and they did a great job of clearing our floor and keeping our space tidy!

Micah - today was his last day in our class and we wanted to give him a shoutout to say thank you for being an awesome friend who always runs to help someone when they fall, or are sad, or just need someone to talk to. We just know you're going to make so many friends in your new class!

Have a great weekend!
-Ms. Byrne

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