Monday, February 14, 2022

Feb. 11

 Hello everyone!

Sorry about the late post - the internet went out at the school Friday afternoon and Ms. Byrne wasn't able to publish the blog!

First, we wanted to share our sit spot experience from Thursday. We really enjoyed having our quiet 10-minutes of sit spot time. Here are some photos from that time:

During that time, we connected with the land by watching the trees, the sky, closing our eyes and listening to the sounds around us, or imagining our favourite outdoor place. When we came inside we had some drawing time in our journals to draw what we experienced during sit spots. Here are some of our beautiful drawings:

Izzy imagined a bird chirping during her sit spot time.

Stefan drew everything he could see - including the playground that was behind us!

Gabe drew the blue sky, and a bird flying over us.

Yvie imagined the Spring flowers she hopes come soon!

We had an important job to do for Mr. Hebert today. We each had to fill out a survey about our mindfulness and wellness activities. There were some questions about mindfulness time, some about our sharing circles, and some about sit spots. We learned what a survey is, and how people use surveys to find information. We read each question together as a class and talked about what it meant before everyone chose an answer on their paper. It took some time to make sure everyone understood the questions, so our survey ended up taking much longer than we thought!

We filled in our calendar and did some addition questions using 10-frames. We are learning this strategy to help us practice "making 10." We practiced moving counters into 10 frames to show a question, then moving some over to create 10.  Here is an example:

We had snack before we went to the gym to see Ms. Sterne. Her and Mr. Wiens have switched now, and she will be teaching us P.E. on some Fridays. 

When we came back to class we had to choose our literacy centres and complete our 2 rounds. By the time we finished that, it was time to go home!


- Next week is a short week! Thursday and Friday (Feb. 17 and 18) are Teacher's Convention Days so there is no school

- Monday, Feb. 21 - No School - Family Day

Have a great weekend!

-Ms. Byrne

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