Monday, February 7, 2022

Feb. 7

Hello everyone!

We have an important message to pass on from our new Patrol Team:

Parents – just a reminder that our patrollers are on duty each morning in rain, snow, and fine weather (We do not patrol on blue days).  Could you please wait until they call, ‘Point, double-check, and proceed,’ before making your way between the pylons and safely across the street.   

Please also be aware of our parking guidelines. 

They are: 

-no parking for any length of time in the bus zone!  

-no parking within 5 metres of a stop sign or cross walk or corner of 2 streets (you should be able to take 5 large steps between your vehicle and any of these)  

-stay out of the staff parking lot 


Thank you as well to our Patrol parents who ensure our students arrive on time to volunteer.  It’s greatly appreciated! 


Mr Lancée & Mr Shackelton 

Your BHS Patrol Supervisors 

We started our day with our Wow Word review. With last week being a short week, we didn't get to practice the words as much as usual and we did find some of them pretty tricky, especially "with" and "going". We will practice the "th" and "ing" sounds more this week. We got our new Wow Words and added them to our word rings. They are:

1. up

2. was

3. had

4. will

5. have

"Was" and "have" are red words because they do not follow our usual rules. 

Was is tricky! A says an /o/ sound after w (ex: water, walk), and then s says a /z/ sound when it's by itself, right after most vowels (ex: is, as). 

Have looks like it has a king e - which would make the a say its name. But, the e is actually only there because of a silly English rule that says no word can end in V! Isn't that strange? So, a says its usual sound in that word and the e makes no sound (ex: love, give).

Our bonus words are part of the -ad family. They are:

1. sad

2. mad

3. dad

4. bad

5. glad

We filled in our calendar and had a sharing circle where everyone shared something they hope happens this week. Since we had lots of indoor recess last week, many of us were hoping the weather stays nice this week so we can have outside time!

We had 2 rounds of literacy centres before lunch and used that time to practice our new Wow Words. 

After lunch, we had mindfulness time. During mindfulness time we learned about something new - sit spots! As a part of our work with Indigenous ways of knowing, we decided to use sit spots during our mindfulness practice. Today, we practiced sit spots by finding a comfortable space to sit in our classroom, breathing deeply, while we watched a forest scene. Sit spots are typically done to connect with nature so, on Thursday, we will be trying sit spots outside! We will find a spot within the school grounds where we can sit and have some quiet time to connect with the outdoors. The weather looks great for Thursday, but please consider if you want your child to wear snow pants or other extra clothing that day in case the ground may be damp. 

In math today we were talking about how our skip counting can help us to solve problems. We solved a word problem about our Wow Words and used our counting by 5s to figure out how many Wow Words we can spell now. We also talked about how we can figure out problems that are close to ones we already know (ex: if we know 5+5=10, then we know that 5+6 is going to be 1 more - 11!). We practiced this with a few problems. 

We received our Reading Give It a Shot program today! There are 24 animals cards for each of us. Each time we return a home reading book, we will get 1 point added to our chart. When we get 3 points, we earn a card to take home! We will add points for any time we spend reading independently in class as well. 

After our second recess, we got back to work on our snowmen projects. We made a list of the jobs our snowmen were doing in our pictures. Then, we choose a writing paper (mild, medium, or spicy - depending on how difficult the writing task was). We wrote what job our snowman does, and how they help their community.

In gym, we practiced our take-outs in curling. We learned that the "target" in curling is actually called a "house" and the middle of the house is called the "button." We practiced throwing our rocks to move a rock that was already on the button. It was lots of fun! 

Student Shoutouts:

Stefan - Kye gave Stefan a shoutout today because he helped Serena with her backpack at the end of the day

Jayla - For coming to find Ms. Byrne to ask for help when she saw someone crying at recess


Valentine's Day - We will not be handing out individual Valentine's Day cards this year. We will work on a craft together to celebrate the day on Monday. 

Thursday, Feb. 17 and Friday, Feb. 18 - No School - Teacher's Convention

Monday, Feb. 21 - No School - Family Day

Have a great day!

-Ms. Byrne

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