Hello everyone!
We have had a busy time lately! Last week with TWOsday, Pink Shirt Day, and our 100th Day of School, we are still playing catch-up on some activities!
We started our day with our word review from last week. We did really well on those words! The word maybe was tricky for some of us. Ms. Byrne corrected our reviews while we ate snack and then we put them into our backpacks to take home. There are 8 weeks worth of word reviews on the paper. Any words that we missed during our word review, we took time to practice during our guided reading centres. If you can review the words we've missed as well, that would be extra helpful! Our new words for this week are:
1. she
2. are*
3. name
4. book
5. little
Are is our red word, or heart word, for this week. We talked about the "ar" sound. We call it the pirate sound! /ar/ almost always makes that pirate sound. But, the e in are is the tricky part. It can be hard to remember it is there!
We decided to focus on the /ar/ sound for our bonus words as a reminder. We chose:
1. car
2. far
3. jar
4. card
5. hard
We wrote these words on cards to add to our word rings. We talked about how our word rings are getting pretty full. If that is happening, we can remove any words that we know super well and don't need as much practice with (ex: it, and, I, can).
We filled in our calendar and did some counting practice before snack and recess. We had literacy centres. Our centres have changed! We've added a "roll and read" centre that we practiced together last week. We also put our wikki stix and letter tiles together into one centre so that everyone can choose how they would like to practice their Wow Words. We also took away letter bingo to add a story writing centre. We have mini-books that we can take and use for creative writing! We get to work on our own or with a partner to create our stories. We will have author's chair times on Friday to share some of our story ideas with our classmates.
After lunch we had mindfulness time and then practices our Wow Words using a dice game.
Next, we took some time to work on the 100th day activities that we didn't get to finish on Friday. We worked on a book called "100 Collection." It practices counting to 100 by 10s. On each page we had to decide on a collection (ex: hearts, stars, dogs, pizzas) and draw 10 of them. We wrote the word to match our pictures, then moved on to the next page and chose a new item for another collection of 10. We repeated this until we had 10 collections of 10, or 100! We took a break for recess and then returned to working on our books. We have 1 job left to do on our 100th day passport, so we will work on that tomorrow and then hopefully bring our 100th day passport home!
We had gym with Ms. Sterne where we started learning basketball skills!
- Parent/Teacher conversations will be next Thursday and Friday (March 10th and 11s). You will be able to book appointments through your MyCBE account by the end of this week. This also means there is no school on Friday, March 11th
- Spring Break - March 18th is the last day of classes before Spring Break. Classes will resume on March 28th
Student Shoutouts:
Serena - for being kind to everybody
Ava - for helping Kali and Nola finish their 100th day books
Have a great day!
-Ms. Byrne
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